• Fine Art Photography - Writings

    High Desert Journal

    Today I received the Spring 2007 issue of the High Desert Journal. This beautiful magazine is filled with excellent essays, fiction, poetry, artwork, and more. And this issue contains a 2-page spread of my work as well. Selections of my series Through the Shadow are included, with an introductory essay. This work was completed in 2004-05, begun during my Caldera…

  • Fine Art Photography

    Through the Shadow, February 1-27

    Through the Shadow February 1-March 26, 2007 Photo Print Gallery Pacific NW College of Art … Opening: First Thursday, February 1, 6-8pm Come by and say hello! There’s always a lot happening at PNCA on First Thursday! … This show features work produced while on a 2 weekart residency at Caldera‘s Central Oregon facility. All photographs and content is Copyright…