This is the final installment in my series on the Beneficio de Cafe of Abraham Castillo, shot in Esteli, Nicaragua. (Please view the previous two posts: The First, with introduction, and the Second.) If you’d like to see the series in full, please visit my Fine Art Photography Website. Abraham continued to open his shop and home to me, with…
I just love to photograph children, and have from the very beginning of my interest in photography. Among the many assignments and adventures I’ve had in Nicaragua, I’ve often had opportunity to turn my lens on many children. (One of the striking features of some people here in Latin America is their light-colored, often green or blue, eyes.) Here are…
While in Esteli, Nicaragua, I’ve spent several days working with a non-profit called Instituto de Formacion Permanente. Among their many programs, INSFOP offers a Saturday day camp for marginalized youth. They pick the kids up by bus in the city, and drive everyone just past the outskirts of Esteli, to their camp. (Do you remember those schoolbuses we rode in…
This month, I’m pleased to announce that Skeleton in the Closet: Eating Disordered Lives is currently showing at The Art Center at Washington State University. If you’ll be in the Tri-Cities, Washington area through November 30, please stop in and see the show. Speaking of university shows, I’m currently in the process of booking Skeleton in the Closet at University…
It’s been an interesting week of preparations for my work in Thailand and Cambodia. The most recent news: the airports in Bangkok are entirely shut down, having been overtaken by protesters on Tuesday. Read about it on CNN. We are scheduled to leave this coming Tuesday. So if you’re the praying type, this would be a good time to be…
I’m pleased to announce the launch of a new website, I’ve photographed assignments for magazines and corporate clients for years, and enjoy it. I’ve been able to work for many interesting clients, including: Northwest Natural Gas Union Bank of California Northwest Educational Loan Association Asics Adidas Avamere Healthcare New Seasons Markets Schoolhouse Supplies Tiffany’s Response Magazine ETC Magazine American…
I’ve just updated the web gallery of my series on eating disorders, to include new images and stories from the past few months. They include a pregnant woman, a girl in London, a pink rock, and more. Check them out when you have time. I also recently completed my first portfolio for this series, for museums and private collectors. It…
One of the things I routinely advertise when talking about my wedding and documentary/photojournalistic photography is that I ‘capture the little moments’ that make the day special, and that I capture memories that people will cherish. I received an email from a recent groom, Scott, sharing with me about one of the more special ‘moments’ I’ve had the privilege of…
Skeleton in the Closet at Littman Gallery
Skeleton in the ClosetStories from the lives of those affected by eating disorders. I’m pleased to announce the culmination of the past 2 years’ of work on my photo documentary on eating disorders. Please join me for this exhibition in the beautiful Littman Gallery, at Portland State University. The show includes 42 photographs with accompanying texts. October 4-24, 2007 Littman…
Faces and Facades: London, Kenya, Israel England, Kenya, Israel. Three continents, three cultures, three weeks. While my work in these places was to photograph those I was there to serve (a medical relief team), my eye was constantly drawn to the local faces and façades. Whether in Kenya, where the mud structures that have been built for millenia may begin…
Isn’t Junior High just a wonderful memory?
I spent the past week or so in Mexico, in the town of Bucerias. It’s near Puerto Vallarta, on the Bay of Banderas. While there, we were able to enjoy the town’s annual week-long fiesta. On the last night of the fiesta, a procession wends its way through town toward the cathedral, with music, dancers, and a float featuring the…