This month, RayKo Photo Center, in San Francisco, will be featuring images from my Skeleton in the Closet series in their show Por(trait) Revealed. I’ll be there for the opening on July 28, so if you are in the Bay Area, please join me! (Por)trait Revealed // A juried exhibition of portrait photography Reception: Wednesday, July 28th, 6-8p 7.28.10 –…
How does an artist find time to make art, on top of juggling all of his other responsibilities? Why do so many art school graduates fail to go on to successful artmaking careers? How do you make a living and make art? These are questions I explore in my current article Buying Time: Balancing the Fine Art and the Financial,…
The longer I’m around this planet, the more opportunities I have to discover that it really is a small world. I’ve photographed students at DaVinci Middle School, here in Portland, since about 2001. I began there working on my fine arts thesis project, working with several teachers and tons of students, observing, photographing, and writing. I loved working with the…
Curator Leo Michelson and gallery owner Charles Froelick called me up last year with an intriguing idea. They were pairing up 17 painters with 17 photographers, asking them to create a portrait of one another. The resulting show is titled Two of a Kind. I was paired with local painter Shanon Playford, whose beautiful, often whimsical, portraits and paintings I…
This is the final installment in my series on the Beneficio de Cafe of Abraham Castillo, shot in Esteli, Nicaragua. (Please view the previous two posts: The First, with introduction, and the Second.) If you’d like to see the series in full, please visit my Fine Art Photography Website. Abraham continued to open his shop and home to me, with…
Abraham and his family and staff continue to welcome me with open arms to their coffee beneficio here in Esteli, and I continue to be enchanted by the beautiful light, the rustic building, and the hard-working team. And so I continue with my photo essay (view the previous post here), a bit of visual poetry from the highlands of Nicaragua:…
This month, I’m pleased to announce that Skeleton in the Closet: Eating Disordered Lives is currently showing at The Art Center at Washington State University. If you’ll be in the Tri-Cities, Washington area through November 30, please stop in and see the show. Speaking of university shows, I’m currently in the process of booking Skeleton in the Closet at University…
I’ve been toying around for some time with ways to paint from photographs. I’m regularly inspired by paintings of people (Modigliani especially, but other contemporary painters as well). I love the way, in painting and drawing, that an artist can abstract and manipulate what is before him. This is the first completed piece in this vein that I’m pleased with.…
Interview on Eagle and Child
Jeffrey Overstreet is a film critic, author, and connoisseur of and commentator on the arts. He has several very popular blogs. And on one of them, Eagle and Child, he’s posted an interview he did with me recently, on my series Skeleton in the Closet. You can read the interview here. I also noticed another blogger commenting on my work,…
Today I received the Spring 2007 issue of the High Desert Journal. This beautiful magazine is filled with excellent essays, fiction, poetry, artwork, and more. And this issue contains a 2-page spread of my work as well. Selections of my series Through the Shadow are included, with an introductory essay. This work was completed in 2004-05, begun during my Caldera…
I find myself more and more drawn to faces, alone. I love to watch people, but usually in photographing them I’m making some statement about who they are, utilising their environment, dress, body language, action. But faces. Like a butterfly hunter with his swinging net, searching constantly for something intriguing, out of the ordinary, or even something lovely in its…