Portland Senior Photos on the St Johns Bridge
Abbie asked if we could take some of her senior photos on the St Johns Bridge, and we thought that was a great idea. Actually, it turned out to be rather challenging, with all of the very loud traffic rushing by, just inches from our elbows. But we did it! And those classic arches in the background of her senior pictures were worth the walk.
Sunset High School Senior Photos
As we walked around Portland’s Cathedral Park for her senior photo session, we talked about the things Abbie is passionate about. This cheerleader at Sunset High School loves being in front of the crowds, and also adventuring with her friends and family. Here’s some of what she told su
Sunset High School Cheerleader
“I’m a cheerleader, specifically a flyer, so I’m the one that gets tossed in the air. I’ve been doing cheer for now 3 years, and won an all american award at my cheer camp last year. I love football and basketball games, being in front of a crowd doing what I love is amazing!”
Favorite Hobbies?
“Hanging out with my friends is definitely my favorite, we go on a lot of adventures, just recently we went to Hagg Lake. But also trying out new food places.”
Any Recent Travel?
“I went to Hawaii a couple years ago and experiencing the culture was truly life changing. Hawaii is the most amazing place I’ve ever been!”
Portland Senior Photos at Cathedral Park
Whie we were taking Abbie’s senior pictures in Portland’s Cathedral Park, we came across this funky car in a parking lot next to the bridge. We couldn’t pass it up for a photo op.
Are you ready for your senior photos in Portland? Give us a call at Fritz Photo! We’re ready for you.