Portland Photobooth Wedding Photography

So He Married an Ax Murder…

Portland Photobooth Wedding PhotographyMy good friends Dayn and Mandi finally got married!  And what a delightful day it was.   I’ll post more about the wedding in another post, but for now, wanted to share some of the fun PhotoBooth photographs that Aisha and I took.  There are so many great ones, that I had to narrow it down to just a few here.

Normally for the PhotoBooth we use a white background.  But in keeping with Dayn and Mandi’s folksy/woodsy theme, we decided to use the cedar shakes at the lodge at Camp Wilkerson, outside of Vernonia, Oregon.


Portland PhotoBoothPortland PhotoBooth PortraitsPhotoBooth PortlandPortland PhotoBooth Wedding PhotographsWedding PhotoBooth Portland

If you’d like to see all of them, you can!  Just go to their PhotoBooth Gallery!

We’re proud to be an award-winning Portland wedding photographer, and would love to tell your love story.  Contact us today to talk with us about your big day!  And visit our site today to view more Portland PhotoBooth photos!

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