Skeleton in the Closet Showing at WSU

WSUTC Photography Show

This month, I’m pleased to announce that Skeleton in the Closet: Eating Disordered Lives is currently showing at The Art Center at Washington State University. If you’ll be in the Tri-Cities, Washington area through November 30, please stop in and see the show.

Speaking of university shows, I’m currently in the process of booking Skeleton in the Closet at University and other galleries across the nation. The reviews of this work have been overwhelmingly positive, and I’m excited about the shows that are in the works. If you, your university, or gallery would be interested in showing the series, please contact me.

To this end, I designed a new website this past year, specifically to showcase this work. At, you can view the images and stories, leave comments on the series, and view information on showing the series, purchasing a print, or purchasing the Limited Edition Portfolio for your collection.

Please take the time to visit the site, and leave a comment on the work. I’d love to hear what you think.