Allison & Travis’s Wedding Photography at Pumpkin Ridge Golf Course
Wedding Venue: Pumpkin Ridge Golf Course in North Plains, Oregon
A beautiful, overcast wedding at Pumpkin Ridge Golf Course
It was an overcast day at Pumpkin Ridge Golf Course when we arrived to photograph Allison and Travis’s wedding. But Allison’s sunny touches of yellow accents were perfect! They cheered everything up nicely. Plus, Allison and Travis had a lot of fun together, as did Allison’s son (an adorable ham for the camera!), so we had a great time photographing their wedding. In fact, her son also escorted the bride down the aisle, along with her father, which was really touching. And he was also included in the lighting of the unity candle during the wedding ceremony. So meaningful!
During the wedding reception, Travis helped Allison take a few swings at the driving range at sunset (Matt is a regular golfer at Pumpkin Ridge), which was fun to watch. What a fun, beautiful wedding day to at which to be the wedding photographers!
You can also see the photography for this Pumpkin Ridge wedding on our website!
Are you looking for a wedding photographer for Pumpkin Ridge Golf Course? You’ve found us! Contact us today to talk over your wedding photography!