My Protege, Olivia and Friends

You know all those plastic disposable cameras you see on tables at weddings and bar mitzvahs? Ever wonder what they’re really for? Well, let me show you:

These photos were from a wedding this past July. One of the children, Olivia, who happens to be the daughter of friends, decided she liked my racket. She began shadowing me as I worked the dance floor: she would hold up her disposable camera, crouch down beside me, pretend to fiddle with dials and buttons just as I was, and snap away.

I tell you this because, if you come by the studio soon and are greeted by a 5 year old with a plastic Kodak camera in hand, don’t be surprised. Good help is hard to find.

2 Comments on “My Protege, Olivia and Friends

  1. Fritz, you are one super talented cat! Not to mention, my niece is cute as a button and takes a great photo, lol.

    Great blog!

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