Interview with Kamela Cody of Modern Girl Style

Well, it’s been quite the month for awards and interviews.

Kamela Cody writes an interesting blog about fashion, art, style, design, etc, called Modern Girl Style. She recently approached me, after seeing my photography online, and asked if she could interview me for her site. I was happy to oblige.

In this interview, I share stories about how I started in photography, talk about collaborating with stylists and models and art directors for lifestyle photo shoots, and talk about some fun weddings I’ve photographed. I also introduce some of my personal documentary projects, such as the series on eating disorders and adolescence. You can read the interview here, on the Modern Girl Style blog!

One comment on “Interview with Kamela Cody of Modern Girl Style

  1. Great article Fritz! It’s nice to read an article by someone I know and respect. As much as I feel I know someone, I’m continually amazed at how much I don’t know about them until I read an article like this.


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