Homage to Jack McLarty

I was recently assigned to photograph Portland artist Jack McLarty, in his NW Portland home and studio.  We had a delighftul time together, looking at and talking about his work.  (View and read about my time photographing Jack in this blog post.)

While talking, he showed me a series of woodcuts he had in his studio. This series of mostly black and white prints were portraits of artists he had known over the years, most from the Northwest. Here is one he created of Gordon Gilkey, with his wife behind him:

I decided to create my own woodcut portrait of Jack, with his wife Barbara in the background, in a similar manner. And here it is:

Homage to Jack McLarty

Fritz Liedtke

Visit the PNCA website to see their cover story on Jack, using my images.

One comment on “Homage to Jack McLarty

  1. Greetings! I think your woodcut portrait of Uncle Jack and Aunt Barbara is just great, and am wondering if it would be possible to purchase a print? I have a small collection of his work, and think this would make a great addition to it! (Aunt B is my mother’s younger sister)
    Thank you, Marian Granby

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