We’ve been having a great time at my Outdoor Location Lighting workshop at Pacific NW College of Art. This past week, we were out in the Pearl District with some of my favorite models, Lauren and Mark. You just can’t beat shooting in the magic hour before sunset. Or during sunset. With good portable strobes. The class was inspired, and…
A few months ago, the photography program at Mt Hood Community College invited me to come in and give a demonstration of my location photography work. I was honored to be invited, and we’ve been planning it ever since (waiting for my return from Thailand and Nicaragua…). Location portrait photography is a passion of mine, and I enjoy both the…
This fall has been full of photo shoots, demonstrations, and stock and editorial assignments. I thought I’d share some of them with you. Some are pretty funny. (Which reminds me of a statement from a customer this past week. He was looking at my books, and said, “I like your work. There’s a real touch of whimsy to it.” I’d…
If you follow my blog, or know my photography at all, you know that I love photographing location portraits. I also really enjoy teaching. My upcoming summer photography class at Pacific Northwest College of Art, in Portland’s Pearl District, neatly melds the two: Location Portrait Photography can create stunning images of people in beautiful locations, from Bangladesh to your own…
Travel Writer Rolf Potts This February and March, I’ll be teaching my popular course The Environmental Portrait at Pacific NW College of Art. I love shooting location portraits, and enjoy teaching others how to do it well. Here’s the class description: The Environmental Portrait places a person in the context of their natural surroundings, and communicates more about them than…
This term at Newspace Center for Photography in Portland, I’ll be teaching a 5-week workshop on book design and self-publishing. In this class, you’ll have the chance to make your very own photography book – from start to finish! Personal photography books make magnificent gifts, are great complements to portfolio presentations, and can tremendously aid in marketing your work. Through…
Manuel Izquierdo, Sculptor Portland, Oregon, 2004 This Spring, I will be teaching a new workshop at Pacific Northwest College of Art, called The Environmental Portrait. It’s a natural class for me to teach, since I love and have been making location portraits for a couple of decades now. Here’s the class description: When a photographer takes a portrait of someone…
I enjoy teaching photography workshops at Pacific NW College of Art. I teach a variety of in-depth photography classes, from Location Portrait Photography and Environmental Portrait Photography, to Studio Lighting. Here are a few samples of some new work this past week, shot as demonstrations during my Studio Lighting workshop at Pacific NW College of Art, portraits of our model…